Hello my name is chaymae brital.
I'm sixteen yaers old.
I'm from Morocco.
I'm study high school IES Castelló d'Empúries.

My ambition is to be a teacher.
I speaking about my culture.
-My culture is very famous.
A special day for us is Friday. In this day we doing coucoús for lunch.
For brakfaste, etaing tea
rghaief with tea
atai.We drink tea for after any food.
-Now I speak the of clothes of marrocain:
In first place,
Jelaba.We dressed when to go not important places.
In second place,
Jabador. Dressed when we go a important reunion. For exemple: A familiary reunion.
An finally, there are two tips for go a celebrations.
TSEKXETA.Dressed for an important celebration. For exemple: Chriteneings or Weddings.