divendres, 21 de novembre del 2008

My first impression:Extra points

When we meet people, we usually form a first impression.

My first impression of Laia she is more natural and open.

She is warm and sensitive friend. Is very friendly and polite.

She sometimes relaxed and sometimes polite.

Her style is very normally and comfortable. I really like that's OK.

dijous, 20 de novembre del 2008

Transcription of Oral presentation:My culture

Hello my name is chaymae brital.
I'm sixteen yaers old.
I'm from Morocco.
I'm study high school IES Castelló d'Empúries.
My ambition is to be a teacher.
I speaking about my culture.

-My culture is very famous.
A special day for us is Friday. In this day we doing coucoús for lunch.
For brakfaste, etaing tea rghaief with tea atai.
We drink tea for after any food.

-Now I speak the of clothes of marrocain:
In first place, Jelaba.We dressed when to go not important places.
In second place, Jabador. Dressed when we go a important reunion. For exemple: A familiary reunion.

An finally, there are two tips for go a celebrations.

Dressed for an important celebration. For exemple: Chriteneings or Weddings.

Difference between Tracy and Adrian Moole

Adrian Moole doesen't change his personality.
He loves a girl, but he acts with naturality, he doesen't try to became popular to attract her.
Although at first he doesen't feel attracted to her.
Tracy changes completly for a boy. But finally the boy is not interested in her and she stay alone.
Adrian Moole keeps his personality and with Pandora, instead.

Summery of Thirteen

Tracy a 13 yeras old a adolescent.

Was a good student in the at high School.

Until she met Evie. A rebel without limits, very popular at high school and Trcay wanted to be like her.

Tracy changed completly.

She begin to do things that were not like her.

The problems begin. For exemple: She had her piercengs or sniffed cocaine.

Finally Tracy and Evie, finished her friendship and the mother of Evie say who Tracy is guilty of her behavour.

But in fact she is not guilty.

dimarts, 4 de novembre del 2008

My terror story

She was alone in the house.
She was watching TV,when she heard a sound in the kitchen. She didn't get scared.
A man was trying to get in through the kitchen.
She didn't suspect anything.
Thurder and listening broke the silence of the house.
When he was going to attacked she changed into a monster;
Two faces,black teeth and red eyes,she changed into a devil.
He screamed, but nobody listened.
A devil killed and ate the person.
Nobody suspect the adolescent.