dimecres, 3 de juny del 2009

New:The English, a problem

Half of the students fifteen years.S
hould they consider would be unable to obtain the title of the basic language school are unable to speak basic English.This is the conclusion I have arrived in Catalonia, and I doubt that in the other regions the results are much better.
Today the students are taught English at a very early, in some cases from six years. Despite devoting much time and money in the work the students do not speak English, something is wrong,seeing the poor results might be better to devote less time to foreign language and other subjects, math or language.
The English language is truly global, increasingly essential. Moreover in a country with so many tourist areas such as Spain should take into account the teaching of languages.
I think the problem is the lack of interest in learning a foreign language.

dimarts, 2 de juny del 2009

Summary: The Ring

It seemed another urban legend: A videotape filled with nightmarish images, followed by a telephone call that predicted death who had seen the tape, exactly, seven days after. The reporter Rachel Keller feel very curious for the case and find the tape,but shortly before, descovery that four adolescents have experienced a mysterious death after one week after seen the video.
Finally, Rachel found the video and it provides.

Now, you must ask help from his friend Noah, if you want to save his life and his son. Only Have one week for to solve the mystery.

New:The end of the analog world

In may 2005, The European comission noted that 2012 as deadline for to produce tha analog shutdown. In this date, the operators of radio and television European forced stop broadcasting in analog format and disclose the contents only in digital format throug technologies TDT and DAB.

Transcription of Oral Presentation: Human Traffic

Introduccion: (Alexandra)
Description: (Sara)
Real Dates: The Fbi estimated that between 85% and 90% of the missing persons are juvenils.
This mean aproximatelly 725.000 cases (2.000 for day) the disappear once of a child was considered serious enough for a parent to call the police make a reports.
-In 2000 could have some 27 milion slaves around the world. One of the countries that montain and protect slavey is Mauritania.
-In America 3000 disappear every day.
-The reports of 2001 show a decrease of 41% over 2000. Despiste this, the total vise since 1982 was 44%.
Real cases from Marrocco: Marrocco has become a sexual paradise sex with prostitution of minors, after the famous markets of south-eastern, Asia and Latin America. The children leave their childhood to become sex slaves through stories like thhat of Hanás a adolescent 16 years working in a Brothel or Zaida with 12 years as a prostitute. When leving school. There are children being to prostitution by their own mothers or Pimps who are seeking children in schools to meet their clients for only 10 euros, but most stirking is the corruption of some police that in echange for comissions mask it with traffiking destinator for tourists many them spanish, travelling to the Kingdom in search of cheap and easy sex with children.
Real cases from Spanich ( Sara)
Real cases of Italy (Alexandra).
Compaigns (Sara)
Photos: This photos are from many countries which should the human traffic around the world.
Conclusion: Faced with the worsening problem of trafficking in women it's urgent that the company present the right ansewer to this situation and their victim, on the one hand it is necessary to restore education in moral values such as a respect for others because thry are human beings, for their dignity and, moreover, reject and discrimination and inhumane instrumentalisation.
Second point of conclusion (Sara)
Third point of conclusion (Alexandra)

Have you any question?

Oral Presentation: Human Traffic

Opinio essay

I Think the enviroment is very very beautiful, but we don't look after it.But the causes for its destruction are industries, the Rich countires are the most irresponsible,They don't do enough to protect the planet.In my opinion, the people must help the world and open their eyes.
I belive that these are many think that we can do to help our planetWe should use the bicycle and not use the car in moments not important. We consume a lot of products and use a lot od energy. When it's not necessary. And they don't undertstand that we that we are wasting the world's resorces.
One day will come when it will be too late to rectify.
In conclusion, the rich countries have a lot of responsability and we should about the world, in our world, in our world. If they have the power to destroy the planet, they also have the power to protect the world, and so, the world will be a better place for every body without pollution.

dilluns, 18 de maig del 2009

Informal letter

Hi Lourdes!
How's life in Valencia? Who are you? Have you grown accostumed to the new place? I guess it all see strange and new, but you'll get used, you'll see.
Good, I have to tell that we are in the final challenge, which is a month to end the course.
And as you know.
Unless you miss, mostly study in you house for approve recovered, with the cup of coffe to the next.
Andrea good. She will go to recovery, I guess that we will study together.
And you? Have recovered? because if you get to approve .
Atop that you can!!!
I hope you letter!!!!!!!
All the best,
P.S: I hope to see you soon or write me as soon as possible.Ah! Are you coming to Empuriabrava this summer?

dimarts, 5 de maig del 2009

New: And 57 are positive for flu of pig in Spain, but only 11 are hospitalized

The confirmed cases are Catalonia autonomous communities (17), Andalusia (15), Valencia (13), Madrid (4), Castilla-La Mancha (4), Aragon (1), Galicia (1), Murcia (1) and Basque Country (1).

Andalusia, with 21 cases, the autonomous region that has more people suspected of contracting the virus. Followed by Catalonia and Valencia with 17 and 12, respectively. The rest of the 63 people in research are located in Madrid (3), Extremadura (3), Spain (2), Castilla-La Mancha (2), Castilla y Leon (1), Murcia (1) and Ceuta (1) .

dimarts, 21 d’abril del 2009

New:Musical celebration of Ramadan

Ramadán. The faithful endure hunger pangs and grumbling stomachs from dawn till dusk while the rest of the population goes about its business none the wiser.
This year,however, the institute Europeu de la Mediterrània wants to bring one of the most important muslim holidays more into view, for infidels and followers of islam alike.
With this in mind, the foundation has organised the nits de Ramadà, a multifaceted threevening noctural celebration featuring music, food and other activities.

dimarts, 14 d’abril del 2009

New: 40 lashes and prision

A couort in Arabia Saudí condemned a woman from Syria of 75 years, to recivge 40 lashes, three months in prision and deportation for having received in his home two mwns, Fahd,24 years and friend's Fahd, Hadian. That were not of his family. Fahd said to be the son of chest of Sawda.
Young defend that the only thing that made was to a charity, taking you on a daily bread, however, were also punished with lashes and pridion.

dilluns, 13 d’abril del 2009

Exercice of relative pronoun: Extra points

Complete tthe texts with a relative pronoun:Wich, what, whose,that. Fill in the gaps:

________ I hate the most in the world are people_______ talk very loud on mobile phones when thay are on the bus or a train. There's a woman I see every day on the underground______. She is going to do that week or in ______ church she's going to get married. Beside.

I've read on the newspaper______ mobile phones boil our brains. Can it be true? I'm sure her brain is brunt!

New: Prision and 200 lashes to a young saudí

The Justice minsitre Saudí he agreed with the ruling of condemnation of a young Saudí, she have 19 years. She reped by severed men, 6 months in prision and 200 lashes.
Also withdrew the licence of you lawyer, Abdul Rahman al Lahem, for speak with prensa for to try to help the young. When did the acts it was have 18 years, then was raped by 7 men.

dijous, 9 d’abril del 2009

Transcription of Oral presentation: New Zeland

Hello! Our name is chaima and Alexandra. We live in Empuriabrava and Iam Italian and she from Marocco. In this Presenation we want to explain the culture of New Zeland.
First we spoke of the country languages and later we spoke about the culture of this country.
History (Chaymae)
The territory of New Zeland it is one the last places of the world is being inhabited the maoris.
Come in this country between the years 500-1300a.C.
The first Europeans came to the island the 1576.
-New Zeland turned into British colonywith the agraeement of Waitangi the 1840.
-The 1861 with the Discovery of the gold, the war maorí was done.
-The 1893 New Zeland turned in the first country. In grsnting the feminine universal suffrage.
-The country became independent the 26 of September 1907.
Geography (Alexandra)
-The capital of New Zeland is Wellington.
-New Zeland is a country of Oceania is an Island country in the South- Western Pacific Ocean. Comprising twi main landmasses, the North Island and the South Island.
-The North- Island is the most populated and is the core of commercial activities and business.
-The south- Island is rich in majestic landscape and nature reserves.
-It i separated from Australia by Tasmania's sea, there are approximately 2000Km between both countries.
-His neighbors more nearby are New Catalonia, Fiji and Tonga.
The culture (chaymae)
The culture of New Zeland is a fusión between the culture maorí and colons Britisher of working class culture.
-The maorí culture: Is a different culture of it of New Zeland .His principal rites are the Haka and the Moko.
The Haka: Is warlike traicional dance.
The Moko: Is a facial tradicional tatoo with which the maorí differs from others clans.
The pakeha culture: It dervies principally froom the British colonists of the 19th century.
Though there are differences.
-More level of equality in the society.
-Lights against the Intelectualism.
-Says that the majority of people can make the majority of things alone if they think about it.
And also are influence of Irland, Italy and other European Countries.
The languages (Alexandra)
In New Zeland the people talk three oficial languages, but the most used is the english.
-The English New Zelander: Seemed to Australian English with Influences of the British English, The maorí, the scot and the Irish. It is spoken for 3.673.623 inhabitants.
-The maorí:Is a language of Oriental Polynesia. Related to the Tahitiano and a bit with the Hawaian. In spoken for 157.110 inhabiatnats.
-Language signs of New Zeland: It was designed for deaf people. Is used for 24.090 inhabitants.
Also there are 174 different languages in New Zeland, the most commom are rhe Samoon, Hindu and The French.
Conclusion (Alexandra)
In conclusion New Zeland it a good country to go on holidays or also to live there, since there is that Cultural diversity, freedom of word and many nature.

dimarts, 7 d’abril del 2009

New: On the Wharf

The Ronda wharf in the Port Fòrum is to be faced with more than a score of empty premises.The retail spaces are part of a 20.000 square metre comercial area with a total capacity for some 80 outlets.The occasional bar and a few showrooms dedicated to the sale of luxury boats are the only businesses to be seen.

New: Creative help

Technology to ensure that the elderly get help when they most need it, Girona has installed sensors in the refrigerators of 20 seniors who live alone. If the refrigerator is not opened within either 12 or 24 hours, depending on individual circumstances, helath authorities will be alerted and send assistance. Girona is working on other creative solutions for seniors who live alone, including an alarm hook-up with friends via the mobil phone.

New: The koran promotes equality

Asma Lamrabet is a doctor in the Rabat chilrens hospital in Marocco but she is also one of the foremost representatives of the islamic reform movement, which calls for a new reading of the Koran.Lambrabet is also the president of the Internacional Group of study and refelction on Women in Islam, or Gierfi, which is represented in Catalonia by the cultural organisation, Desenvoupament feminisme islámic.Lamberest's books on the role of women within the Muslim religion and tradicion are due to be published in Catalan by the publisher Abadia Editors.

Description of a City

I will describe the city nearest to Castelló d'Empúries: Figueras.
Figueras is a comercial city. It is a big enough city with more than 200 shops.
This city is very decorated with many rawines. We can find the museum of the painter Dalí.
Figueras is a good place for meet friends and to make activities united.
In the city they are celebrated events and partys, for exemple, the fairs. For this event ''quedan'' two weeks. Now they are mounting them. They start working at the beginning of April.
I have enough family in Figueras.
Also they have bought on Tuesday and Thursady: Tuesday is of vegetables and Thursday is od clothes.

In conclusion figueras is a commercial enough city and with many resarces.

Description of My best friend

My best friend is name Hinde. She coursed 4TH of ESO.
She have 16 yeras old. She is high a bit spent and passed from Kilos and brown bread both of skin and of hair.
She takes the black eyes and the curled hair.
In the area of the studies they him are OK. Better they him go they are the maths and everything related to the numbers.
I like to speak with her because he thinks like me. She thinks about the present and about the future Psychologically she is intelligent enough. Her plans in the future it she is to deal batxillerat, but she is undiced for the university race that it she want to do, she not have it clear.
In conclusion she is a good friend and she has never trumped me and I hope that it never does it. Always I have had it when.
I have needed it.

Summery: Romeo and Juliet

The film is about two families, Montesco and Capulets, they are fought to death.

Romeo belongs to the family of the Montesco who is in love with Julieta, the Capuleto, she is also in love with him.

Everything starts at a party organized by Capuleto attended dressed Romeo and is where he meets Juliet and fall in love and marry in secret with the help pf Friar Lawrence.

After a serious quarrel, which resulted in the banishment of Romeo from the city of Verona, Mantua departs.

Parents without knowing the secret of the young people decide to marry her to count Paris.She acept , but the night before taking a potion that will Kepp the dead 42 hours to cause the annulment of marriage.

When Romeo was going to bury what happened at the tomb of his beloved and decides to drink the poison and falls dead.

Juliet when to see her and to her deade or stuck a knife.

Summary : Grease

After the summer and the arrival of the classes, Danny Zuko, leader of the T-Birds, tells his history of love but he becomes the interesting in front if his friends, when he is sensitive,romantic and amorous.

One day found his girlfriend of summer studying in the same institutetaht he, but rejects front of their friends.The girl called Sandy. The protagonist is a memeber of group ''ladies pink''. This note a big difference in he, showed that not known, avoids it, pass it... Sandy suffred and did not understand their behavoir. In the end the adolescent look and apparence changes, goes from being a ''good girl'' to a real rebel.
Change makes Zuko accepts and confesse that she loves completly.

Finally finish together.

Differences Frankenstein between the book

1.In the book Frankenstein go on the ice with bobsled dargged by dogs in the film he walks.

2.In the film the Victor's mother dies when he is a man, in the book when he is a child.

3.In the film, the family of Frankenstein are rich, in the book there are the poor.

4.In the film, Victor Frankenstein knews Henrry at the university, in the book he was a friend for childhood.

5.In the film, Victor does one experminet with electricity of the sky.

6.Victor Frankenstein started his work in his house, in the book he started in a laboratory.

7.The teacher of Frankenstein dies in the film, not in the book.

8.Victorhouse a little brother in the film.

9.In the book Victor Doesen't tell anybody his work, but in the film, he tells that to Henrry

10.When she creates the crature he used parts of body from dead people who are in ambulatori which from màlaria, in the book he took this parts from the cementire.

11.The monster resuscitated in the film, because the first experiment goes had, in the book no.

12.The crature lerans talk and read book from the family who he watchs, not hearing.

13.The crature kills his little brother and the people thinks taht is the sirvent of the family who killed her, he kills anyone that goes after Elizabeth.

14.During Frankensetein's medding night the crature kill, Elizabeth, he took her heart. In the book he kills her, but he doesen't take the heart.

15.Victor crates as other creature with the face of Elizabeth, the monster wants her, but she goes mad and burn herself, in the book this doesen't happen.

Formal letter

IES castelló d'Empúries

Dear Madame,

Iam writing this letter because is one activity of class of Inglish.

My teacher say ''You have to write a letter to the directora''.

First, I will speak about the school. This school is very funny but the people gather in crowds in small groups and always they are the same and it does that they do not relate to the rest.

Just now I'm doing batxillerta and I loved, is very interesting and learnt new things and I it do enthusiasm and interset, neverthless, what more costs me is Inglish.

Also I like the institute because it is multicultural and it does that great people learn the language of a most entreteining way and better possible, for exemple, the classroom of help the students that they do not know the language.

I like much!

Cordial chaymae brital